ROADTRIP! Midwest pt 2

Episode 43

We’re still in the Midwest.

So we hear about another unfortunate event in the Midwest, and although it didn’t end how we hoped it would. Was it murder or self defense? Either way Sarah Gonzales-McLinn took her life back and will be released in in the next few years

We haven’t left Villisca just yet because we have more to discuss about the tragedy of the Moore family murders. We get into the inquest and suspects and just for fun we’re going to discuss what currently is happening at the house that is open for tours, overnight ghost hunts, or just stay like a bed and breakfast!


Jenn’s Case "Sarah Gonzalez McLinn" "Clemency Application" "She Killed Her Rapist After Months of Abuse. Advocates Say Kansas Governer Should Set Her Free" "Harold Sasko Murder: Where is Sarah Gonzales McLinn Now?" : "Why the Mother of a Woman Who Killed Her Rapist Isn't Happy With an Extraordinary Settlement"

-lawrencekstimes "Sarah Gonzales McLinn Resentenced to 25 yrs to Life"

-Youtube CoffeeHouse Crimes "From Teen Victim to Murdering her Manipulator/The Case of Killer Sarah"

-Youtube Dr. Todd Grande "Woman Discovers 4 Personalities After Stabbing 'Creepy' Man:Sarah Gonzales McLinn Case Analysis"

Sam’s Case

Ghost Adventures “Villisca Ax Murder House” Season 4 Ep12 (HBO Max)


ROADTRIP! Southwest
