National Best Friends Day
Ep 36
If this is what Best Friends are I think I will keep mine... thanks!
Missy Avila was a happy teenager going to high school and hanging out with her two best friends. That is, until one of Missy's "best friends" began to believe a rumor SHE started. Their relationship took a deadly turn after that.
Bringing a new life into the world is an exciting time whether it's your first or, as in Jenn's cases, thirteenth and it's even more fun to experience everything baby with your best friend! Until your best friend starts acting weird and her stomach doesn't seem to be growing, and then she visits directly after you have your baby and you.... Well listen in to hear what happened to Heidi Broussard and Magen Fieramusca
Jenn’s Case
wiki "Murder of Missy Avila" "Killer Will Not Profit from Selling Story of 17 year old Girl's Murder"
Deadly Women ID "Deadly Delinquents" "Grieving Friends Emerge as Suspects in Girl's Drowning"
Sam’s Case