Literary Lore
Episode 16
Virginia Woolf - Kick as feminist, literary ledged, troubled soul. A beautiful mix of human who felt everything deeper and truer than most - who brought those deep feelings to the masses and inspired countless other artists across all mediums. Jenn paints the masterpiece that was Woolf’s life and believe you will be better for it.
A historical detective novelist has dark secret. Catching the writing bug as a young girl, with her best friend, no one could have guessed her writing would be heavily influenced by a decision the girls made. became fascinated with the mystery genre when she was young and was convicted of murdering her best friend’s mother.
Jenn’s Case "Virgina Woolf" "Virgina Woolf was more than just a woman's writer"
-http// "I am going mad again"- The tragic tale of Virgina Woolf's Suicide"
Sam’s Case