“Creative” Cults

Episode 23

What do you think of when you hear the word cult? What vision comes to mind…

Mostly you feel bad for people who were “fooled” into believing something and were manipulated into something. You shake your head - you pity them, sometimes we laugh and make jokes. However, to the people who are alive and living the cult life, this is their reality and everything else is wrong. A lot of time when people do join cults it’s because they are missing something in their every day life.

Love has Won - a group who believed their leader, Mother God, was a divine, 19 billion year-old being who had birthed all creation. She had been reincarnated over 500 time and used her divine ability to heal the sick via phone and internet meetings. Mother regularly met with an advisory board, called the Galactics, that was made up of both deceased and living celebrities, and they told her what the group had to do to ensure they would all ascend to the 5th dimension…

When Jenn said she was doing the Ant Hill Kids cult - Sam pictured a bunch of kids running around the woods with magnifying glasses torching the ants… O BOY WAS SAM WRONG! The Ant Hill Kids cult was lead by Roch Thériault (WE HATE HIM). They created their group in 1977 in Sainte-Marie, Quebec with the goal to form a commune where people could freely listen to his motivational speeches, live in unity and equality, and be free of sin. IF you were to sin Roch would discipline his followers starting with belt and hammers, and it just gets worse from there…

***Trigger Warning Jenn’s Case is graphic***


Sam’s Case



HBO special Series “Love Has Won”



Jenn’s Case


-evidencelockerpodcast.com "The Ant Hill Kids: Cult of Roch Theirauh"

-allthatsinteresting.com "Inside the Ant Hill Kids: The Twisted Cult Led by Canadian "Prophet" Roch Theiraugh

-Wicked and Grim Podcast "The Ant Hill Kids"

-youtube- Wendigoon "The Most Disturbing Cult of All Time- The Ant Hill Kids"


Luck O’ the Irish


Trail of Terror